An Emergent Tech School

The lack of access to quality education in the DRC is a significant challenge that needs to be addressed urgently. Despite the country’s rich mineral wealth, the education system has not kept up with the needs of the growing population, particularly the youth. The lack of access to basic resources such as schools, books, and computers has contributed to high rates of school dropouts and low educational outcomes.


The Congo Renaissance Breath Corporation plans to build a computer training center in Kinzawu-Vuete to address the need for youth employment in technology. Introducing new teaching methods and online learning resources will also help ensure that students have access to quality education that prepares them for the digital age.

Investing in education is critical for the development and prosperity of any country. By providing access to quality education, children and young people can acquire the knowledge and skills they need to improve their lives and contribute to the growth and development of their communities. We must prioritize education and work towards ensuring that children in our local area have access to digital technology.

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Raising Money For A Better School

Every child deserves the opportunity to learn in a decent school environment, but in DR Congo, many children are forced to sit on the floor due to a lack of desks. Let’s change that together and provide these children the opportunity to learn in a decent school environment that nurtures a great learning environment.

A library provides students access to books and reading materials. It improves their knowledge and understanding of different subjects. It can also serve as a community hub to provide space for students and teachers to come together and share learned ideas.

Computers in schools will greatly expand students and teachers communicate more effectively. It will expand opportunities for collaboration immensely. With computers in classrooms, students will have a wealth of information they had never before, and provide digital textbooks not available in text formats.

The lack of clean toilets has a negative impact. Poor sanitation and hygiene lead to the spread of diseases and infections which can have a negative impact on the health of the students. Girls are likely to miss school during their menstrual cycle if there are no facilities to support their needs.

A water pump is crucial for providing clean drinking water. It has a significant impact on the health and quality of life of the community. A water pump can reduce the risk of waterborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid, and dysentery, which are common in areas without access to clean water.

Help Build this Tech School in the rural town of Kinzawu-Vuete, Democratic Republic of the Congo. 

To introduce computer technology, Sciences, higher level mathematics, and English language in primary and secondary school at College St. Pierre located in Kinzawu-Vuete. We propose to create innovative educational special magnet schools that will combine a creative teaching environment using low-level technology and a hands-on approach to challenge the youth of Kinzawu-Vuete in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Despite the enormous mineral wealth in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the country is still unable to manage the continued increase in the population of youth. Congo Renaissance wants to build a decent school environment, providing disabled children and youth a window of opportunity for a better future.